property pWhichState -- the state of the coin (shrinking or growing) property pSpeed -- how fast the grow/shrink happens property pMinSize -- how small is the sprite before it gets bigger property pNormSize -- width of sprite to begin with -- -- Gives the simple illusion of a coin spinning. -- Works best with round or circular artwork. -- Ken Loge - -- on beginSprite me pWhichState = "shrink" pNormSize = sprite(me.spriteNum).width end on getPropertyDescriptionList me list = [:] addProp list, #pSpeed, [#comment: "Speed of Change:", #format: #integer, #default: "5", #range: [#min: 0, #max: 20]] addProp list, #pMinSize, [#comment: "Minimum Size to Expand:", #format: #integer, #default: "5", #range: [#min: 0, #max: 100]] return list end on exitFrame me case pWhichState of "shrink": shrinkCoin(me) "grow": growCoin(me) end case end on shrinkCoin me sprite(me.spriteNum).width = sprite(me.spriteNum).width - pSpeed if sprite(me.spriteNum).width < pMinSize then pWhichState = "grow" end if end on growCoin me sprite(me.spriteNum).width = sprite(me.spriteNum).width + pSpeed if sprite(me.spriteNum).width > pNormSize then pWhichState = "shrink" end if end